Happy Thanksgiving! What I’m Thankful For In 2015!

happy thanksgiving to you


Over the last week, I’ve invited some amazing women to share with us five things they are thankful for in 2015. As we’ve seen, at the heart of it all, we are basically thankful for the same things. It proves that we are more alike than we are different! Love is the common core of thanksgiving!

As we gather to partake of our feasts, watch football, shop, and enjoy our loved ones, let’s make sure to remember and take note of all the things we are thankful for and carry that throughout the years.

pic of lauren and me for thanksgiving blog

I’m THANKful for:

1.My Daughter-Each day I am amazed at how she teaches me how to love. I see God through her beautiful eyes. I slow down to enjoy the simple pleasures of life with her. We dance. We draw. We sing. We laugh. We simple love on each other.

2. My Village-This year I’ve learned to let go and allow myself to accept the love that others are offering. Whether it comes in the form of new friendships or support for Lauren and me, I’m learing to poke holes in the wall and allow genuine love to seep through and not automatically think someone has a hidden agenda.

3.My blog-My free-lance job came to an end earlier this year as the online publication shut down. I knew I wanted to keep writing so I buckled down and started Momcapade! Sometimes I think too much and for too long. What will I name the blog? What will I write about? Will people read it? Will I have time to actually write blogs? My friend Jennifer encouraged me to stop over thinking everything and to just start writing. I did! It’s been a great, fun, learning experience.

4. Social Media-There are sad moments on social media from the fighting videos to rude comments, but there are more good moments. I love that I can connect with old friends and be introduced to new ones, see beautiful pictures of family, friends and their children, share in momentous occasions with those I love, and witness through updates and pictures someone’s personal, spiritual, and intellectual growth.

5. Love-I will forever be thankful for God’s love as it is displayed in even the smallest whispers of kindness. The nice smile a stranger offers, the unexpected text from an old friend, kind words from someone who doesn’t realize that you may be having a struggle. Love always wins.

Bonus: In December 2014, I had knee surgery. For over fifteen years, I had been in chronic pain. That pain is gone! I’m thankful that I can walk, sit, stand, lie in bed, dance, move without being in pain!

Each day comes with tens of things to be thankful for! Recognize them. Record them. Celebrate them!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Follow Momcapade on Twitter and Instagram @momcapade

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